Apple Reference & Present…nuary (Partner) - Disc 2
The Apple Reference and Presentations Library (Disc 2)(January 1994).iso
SAS Institute
US English
JMP Statistical
JMP Demo 68k
JMP Demo 68k.rsrc
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Text File
799 lines
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=436, y2=272
ProcID: 1
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 21695
Title: 'AxisFormat'
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=360, y2=260
ProcID: 1
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GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 21694
Title: 'Axis Format'
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=328, y2=252
ProcID: 0
Visible: true
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 20695
Title: 'Desirability Function'
DLOG_20692_Model Build.txt
Bounds: x1=6, y1=38, x2=386, y2=338
ProcID: 0
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 19941
Title: 'Model'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=400, y2=280
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 19965
Title: 'New Dialog'
DLOG_19942_Manova multResponse.txt
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=457, y2=233
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 19942
Title: 'Manova multResponse'
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=310, y2=140
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 12659
Title: 'New Dialog'
Bounds: x1=41, y1=31, x2=404, y2=332
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 6095
Title: 'Preferences'
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=430, y2=300
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 22837
Title: 'Add Plot'
DLOG_17331_spec limits.txt
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=343, y2=223
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 17331
Title: 'New Dialog'
DLOG_17330_num fmt.txt
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=255, y2=178
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 17330
Title: 'New Dialog'
DLOG_17329_spin scale.txt
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=292, y2=172
ProcID: 1
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 17329
Title: 'New Dialog'
Bounds: x1=14, y1=36, x2=344, y2=228
ProcID: 3
Visible: false
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 8612
Title: 'New Dialog'
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=400, y2=320
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 28529
Title: 'Axis Format'
DLOG_8000_Find Help.txt
Bounds: x1=0, y1=10, x2=352, y2=232
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 8000
Title: ''
DLOG_4002_New Export.txt
Bounds: x1=50, y1=80, x2=370, y2=260
ProcID: 1
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ItemsID: 4002
Title: 'Import'
Auto position: 0x0000 (no auto-center)
Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=348, y2=230
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 4001
Title: ''
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ItemsID: 4000
Title: 'Import'
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Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=320, y2=310
ProcID: 1
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 3999
Title: 'SaveAs'
Auto position: 0xFFFF
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=360, y2=250
ProcID: 1
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 2571
Title: 'GrafText'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=420, y2=260
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 3012
Title: 'JoinSelect'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=400, y2=290
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 3011
Title: 'JoinMatch'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=300, y2=280
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 3010
Title: 'JoinFiles'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=40, x2=400, y2=320
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 3002
Title: 'Sort'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=400, y2=260
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 3001
Title: 'Stack'
DLOG_2946_Edit_ Find.txt
Bounds: x1=20, y1=80, x2=458, y2=231
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 2946
Title: ''
DLOG_2945_Rows_ Select Where.txt
Bounds: x1=6, y1=58, x2=510, y2=246
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 2945
Title: 'Select Rows from ? Where...'
Bounds: x1=10, y1=0, x2=420, y2=290
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 2944
Title: 'RoleAssign'
Bounds: x1=10, y1=0, x2=420, y2=280
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 2943
Title: 'RoleAssign'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=310, y2=150
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 2511
Title: 'New Dialog'
Bounds: x1=10, y1=30, x2=500, y2=330
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 2015
Title: 'ColumnInfo'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=380, y2=270
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 1200
Title: 'File Info'
DLOG_1138_DOE_ Preferences.txt
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=365, y2=208
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 1138
Title: ''
DLOG_1137_DOE_ General Factorial.txt
Bounds: x1=28, y1=50, x2=440, y2=298
ProcID: 0
Visible: true
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 1137
Title: 'General Factorial'
DLOG_1136_DOE_ Specify Linear Constraints.txt
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=484, y2=281
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 1136
Title: 'Specify Linear Constraints'
DLOG_1135_DOE_ Mixture.txt
Bounds: x1=24, y1=46, x2=486, y2=336
ProcID: 4
Visible: false
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 1135
Title: 'Mixture Design Specification'
DLOG_1134_DOE_ Specify Factors.txt
Bounds: x1=26, y1=40, x2=496, y2=322
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 1134
Title: 'Specify Factors and Limits'
DLOG_1131_DOE_ Response Surface.txt
Bounds: x1=16, y1=46, x2=482, y2=326
ProcID: 4
Visible: true
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 1131
Title: 'Response Surface Design Selection'
DLOG_1130_DOE_ Mixed-Level.txt
Bounds: x1=14, y1=41, x2=502, y2=327
ProcID: 4
Visible: true
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 1130
Title: 'Mixed-Level Design Selection'
DLOG_1129_DOE_ Two-level Design Selection.txt
Bounds: x1=6, y1=40, x2=502, y2=340
ProcID: 4
Visible: true
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 1129
Title: 'Two-level Design Selection'
DLOG_1128_DOE_Choose Design Type.txt
Bounds: x1=1, y1=40, x2=446, y2=340
ProcID: 4
Visible: true
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 1128
Title: 'Choose Design Type'
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=340, y2=250
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 1010
Title: 'New Dialog'
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=380, y2=180
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 1000
Title: ''
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=472, y2=244
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 620
Title: ''
Bounds: x1=90, y1=52, x2=464, y2=205
ProcID: 1
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GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 619
Title: ''
Bounds: x1=90, y1=52, x2=430, y2=302
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 618
Title: ''
Bounds: x1=90, y1=52, x2=444, y2=270
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 616
Title: ''
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=458, y2=200
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 603
Title: ''
Bounds: x1=22, y1=42, x2=326, y2=116
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
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ItemsID: 602
Title: ''
DLOG_304_Demo SAS_Connect.txt
Bounds: x1=361, y1=280, x2=711, y2=530
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 304
Title: 'SAS/CONNECT Import temp'
Auto position: 0x0000 (no auto-center)
DLOG_301_CTB custom start_stop strings.txt
Bounds: x1=14, y1=40, x2=328, y2=242
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 301
Title: ''
Auto position: 0x0000 (no auto-center)
DLOG_300_CTB Custom Chooser.txt
Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=450, y2=70
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 300
Title: 'Setup Dialog Box'
DLOG_210_Preferences for Analyze.txt
Bounds: x1=28, y1=42, x2=444, y2=292
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 210
Title: ''
DLOG_209_Pref Survival.txt
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=376, y2=196
ProcID: 1
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 209
Title: ''
DLOG_208_Pref Correlations.txt
Bounds: x1=38, y1=41, x2=462, y2=234
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 208
Title: ''
DLOG_207_Pref Fit Model - Screening.txt
Bounds: x1=43, y1=44, x2=412, y2=206
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 207
Title: ''
DLOG_206_Pref Fit Model - Std LS.txt
Bounds: x1=24, y1=41, x2=390, y2=284
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 206
Title: ''
DLOG_205_Pref Fit Model - Nominal.txt
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=394, y2=199
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
GoAway: true
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 205
Title: ''
DLOG_204_Pref Fit Nom-Nom.txt
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=387, y2=313
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 204
Title: ''
DLOG_203_Pref Fit Contin-Nom.txt
Bounds: x1=12, y1=36, x2=491, y2=300
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 203
Title: ''
DLOG_201_Pref Univariate.txt
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ProcID: 1
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 201
Title: ''
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=440, y2=250
ProcID: 1
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 196
Title: 'Axis Format'
Bounds: x1=10, y1=40, x2=405, y2=320
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 195
Title: 'RoleAssign'
Bounds: x1=10, y1=40, x2=320, y2=260
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 191
Title: 'RoleAssign'
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=400, y2=320
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 190
Title: ''
Bounds: x1=14, y1=31, x2=425, y2=313
ProcID: 1
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ItemsID: 184
Title: 'RoleAssign'
Bounds: x1=31, y1=31, x2=467, y2=331
ProcID: 1
Visible: true
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 183
Title: ''
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ItemsID: 182
Title: 'RoleAssign'
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=340, y2=260
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 180
Title: 'JoinSelect'
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=440, y2=320
ProcID: 1
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GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 179
Title: 'Stack'
Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=330, y2=260
ProcID: 1
Visible: false
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 178
Title: ''
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ItemsID: 169
Title: 'RoleAssign'
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ProcID: 1
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 167
Title: 'Axis Format'
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ProcID: 1
Visible: true
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 166
Title: 'RoleAssign'
Bounds: x1=42, y1=34, x2=322, y2=304
ProcID: 1
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GoAway: false
RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 165
Title: ''
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ItemsID: 158
Title: 'ShwDlog'
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ItemsID: 157
Title: ''
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Title: 'New Dialog'
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RefCon: 0
ItemsID: 144
Title: ''
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ItemsID: 129
Title: 'New Dialog'